




Now through May 31, 2024 use code 50BDAYDEAL for 1/2 off any single Zoom session with me (celebrating my 50th)!


Intuitive Consultation & Somatic Guidance

My specialty. A more feminine approach, in that we go “inward,” and follow your unique experience together, honoring emotions and sensations that arise while in a container of compassion and empowerment. This is a one-on-one virtual session using trauma-informed, customized suggestions, insights & tools for sensitive souls seeking a safe space to develop intuition, cope with overwhelm, find more clarity and self-awareness, and cultivate more joy. These sessions include guided somatic practices for greater awareness, self-love & self-regulation. They generally also include various mind-body approaches such as guided meditation, breathwork, and can include simple but powerful expressive arts techniques or journaling prompts (making simple art images, jotting down thoughts or insights, or using movements with the body- no artistic/dance skill or fancy supplies required). This creative, intuitive approach is the culmination of my decades of education, training and personal & professional work. Each session is custom crafted for the individual using a foundational framework and pulling from multiple approaches; no two are exactly the same. We will co-create the session based on your unique goals, strengths and concerns and you’ll leave with usable tools, greater insights, and a sense of being truly seen and heard. Single sessions or packages of multiple sessions are available, for deeper and more lasting change.

Embodiment Coaching

Let’s get practical with this more “masculine,” or direct, active approach. You’ll be guided in the use of accessible postures/movements that can create immediate shifts in your state of being, based on your individual concerns or requests. With Embodiment Coaching, we’ll cut to the chase & focus up to a half hour on using the posture and position of the body as a way to foster awareness & choice. Learn accessible, fundamental moves you can use to improve your life, work, communication and relationships, using your body. Whether you want to cope better with stress, change a behavior, be more harmonious with your family/friends/partner/lover/team/self, be more productive in your work, have more clarity or heightened confidence, Embodiment Coaching can help you create change more readily and often MUCH more quickly than mindfulness alone, by shifting your state through the body. How? First, I’ll help you develop more self-awareness, and secondly, you’ll learn simple tools-using your body- that you can apply in everyday life, for all the reasons! One session can bring a change, and practice brings lasting effects. Stand alone, one-on-one sessions or a package of 8 available. For packages, it’s preferable you schedule the same time each week for consistency and more effective change. If you choose a single session, I strongly encourage you to take the skills learned and practice on your own!


Transformational Guidance & Coaching


You’ve been on the path for a while, doing your self-work and healing. You’ve read the self-help & spiritual books, explored multiple therapies, workshops, healing approaches or retreats…but you’ve found that you still fall into some of the same struggles or patterns after the session, teaching, or gathering ends. You’ve been frustrated with yourself because you just can’t seem make the successful leap to the next level of your wellness, abundance, purpose and happiness as a loving, strong and sensitive soul. You’re tired of pretenses and wasting time, effort and funds to reach your true potential, purpose and inner peace. You’ve been through a LOT, you’ve come FAR, and you still have a huge, loving heart that wants to serve others, but there’s something holding you back, or you just can’t quite get clear about your purpose and mission in this life. Your soul longs for something more. You’re beyond ready. I GET IT.

This new 12-week program combines the best of my intuitive work, mindfulness skills & body-based, creative, trauma-informed coaching. It’s built to help you clearly identify, embrace, nourish & develop your inherent gifts while alchemizing your shadow & transmuting the stories to finally move you past your residual stuck spots, clarify your purpose and increase your joy!

NOTE: This program is for individuals who have a genuine desire & commitment to move forward in their healing and self-growth, who have a high level of emotional maturity, self-awareness and empathy, and are seeking guidance toward the most authentic & powerful version of themselves. If you can’t show up consistently & be willing to be vulnerable and real, or aren’t ready to deeply engage the process, this program is not for you right now, and I respect that. Participants will be challenged to make lasting change through practice and accountability, with deep support and compassion. And I am confident holding this space for others, because I’ve been through it, myself.

You’ll have a consistent, scheduled, weekly virtual one-on-one session with me, a weekly group call (sacred circle) with other dedicated, strong, spiritually minded & sensitive individuals, exclusive video content, suggested resources and more! Click below to apply. Limited spaces available; the first (beta) cohort is being offered at a significant discount. Be in the first round, starting in 2024! To be offered 2-3 times per year.


Questions/need a chat?

Not sure if we’re a fit? Click here to schedule a free call with me.